La Compagnie has upgraded its website to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

Please, feel free to contact us if you encounter any problems.

You will find help to use our website at the bottom of the document.

Contact us

  • By sending an email to : accessibility@lacompagnie.com
  • By phone :
    • In France : 0 892 230 240 (0,45€/min)Every day from 8am to 6pm (Paris time)
    • In The US: 1-800-218-8187 (toll free), Every day from 9am to 9pm (New York time)
    • In Italy : 02 8148 0361Every day from 9am to 6pm (Milan time)
  • By mail : 21-37 rue de Stalingrad, 94110 Arcueil

RogerVoice x La Compagnie

We are proud to work with Roger Voice to enable people who are deaf or hard of hearing to reach our customer service independently.

RogerVoice is an application that allows you to communicate with an interlocutor by text transcription of the voice.

Compliance Certificate

lacompagnie.com’s Compliance Certificate was established on 30/06/2016.

Accessibility settlement and tests are based on WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) :


1. Informant identity

DreamJet, 21-37 rue de Stalingrad, 94110 Arcueil

Email : accessibility@lacompagnie.com

2. Technologies used to update the website

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PDF

3. Test methodology

An audit of manual accessibility was conducted by a third party independent of the informant. The audit consists of manual validation of WCAG success criteria with specialized tools (when necessary) and restitution tests with screen readers.

Several tests were conducted to check to site compliance. Nevertheless, these tests can be divergent depending on the browsers and assistance technology used. Should any issues arise during the use of the website, please notify us at : accessibility@lacompagnie.com

3.1. User agents and assistance technologies used to check content accessibility compliance

Restitution checks were performed with the following tools :

  • Firefox 47.0 et NVDA 2016.2.1
  • Internet Explorer 11 et JAWS 17
3.2. Test tools
  • Tool bar Webdevelopper (Firefox extension) ;
  • HeadingsMap (extension Firefox) ;
  • WCAG contrast Checker (extension Firefox)

4. Webpages verified as compliant

  1. Booking or changing a reservation (including all flight amenities)
  2. Checking-in for a flight
  3. Accessing a personal travel itinerary
  4. Accessing the status of a flight
  5. Accessing a personal frequent flyer account
  6. Accessing flight schedules
  7. Accessing carrier contact information

A global work of compliance upgrade is currently being performed. Final objective is to complete the compliance upgrade in December 2016. If you face any issue regarding accessibility, please inform us by email : accessibility@lacompagnie.com.

We will then be able to manage the issue, send you an accessible version of the concerned document or help you with your demand.

5. Test results

Criteria tested are all WCAG 2.0 criteria (https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/)of level A and double level A (AA). At the Compliance Certificate issuance date, all applicable criteria are compliant with the exception of some for which the non-accessible content is identified below.

5.1. Non accessible content

The website audit reveals complete compliance with WCAG 2.0 levels A and double A (AA) criteria, except with the exception of the following points :

  • Downloadable PDF documents are being treated to become accessible ;
  • Language change is not yet available for all content. A total compliance upgrade is currently underway ;
  • Modifications are still being made to make all pages perfectly accessible.
5.2. Compensation

In anticipation of a total compliance upgrade, you may obtain access to a version of the documents or information to be included therein by sending an email to accessibility@lacompagnie.com indicating the name of the document and/or the information you wish to obtain. We will provide you with the requested information as soon as possible.

5.3. Improvement and contact

You can help us improve the website accessibility by alerting us to any potential issues you may encounter. To do so, please send us an email at accessibility@lacompagnie.com.

6. User assistance / support

Website accessibility means that all persons are able to access web content regardless of their situation, be it handicap or not, with a mouse or a keyboard, or through the use of specific technologies allowing them to cope with deficiencies.

Above all, this means the respect of Web standards and certain technical rules that we endeavour to take into account.

The objective of this section is to assist you in the use of the La Compagnie website.

6.1. General structure

Website is structured as follow :

  • Main menu with links to general sections, notably account management
  • Contextual menu on internal pages allowing access to all of the pages in a given section
  • Central zone comprised of the main menu
  • Footer including: website map with references to main website sections (providing an overview of the overall website structure), contacts, links to social networks, legal notices and credits
6.2. Quick browsing
6.2.1 Fast access links

At the top of the page, fast access links move the focus to main menu, to the content of the page or toward this help page.

6.2.2. Breadcrumb trail

On all pages – except for the welcome page-, you will find a constant display at the top of the main content indicating the current page name.

6.2.3. Browsing reference points (landmark roles)

If you navigate using a modern screen reader, you are able to access menu zones, browsing, main content and the footer directly.

For Jaws, as of version 10 with Windows, keyboard browsing works as follows :

  • Next landmark : ! (exclamation mark)
  • Previous landmark : SHIFT + ! (exclamation mark)
  • List of landmarks : CTRL + INS + ! (exclamation mark)

For NVDA as of version 2014.3 with Windows, keyboard browsing works as follow :

  • Next landmark : D
  • Previous landmark : SHIFT + D
  • List of landmarks : NVDA +F7

For VoiceOver with MacOS, in order to navigate reference points, you need to choose “landmarks” in the “rotor”, then scroll down (iOS) with up/ down arrows (OSX) on the keyboard to move on to the next or previous landmark.

7. Complex components and form and booking system functioning

7.1. Modal window

A modal window is a page element superimposed onto the rest of the page like an alert message. This is not a new window or tab. A modal window is part of the content of the page that has been opened.

If you use a screen reader, when a modal window opens :

  • NVDA announces « [Name] dialog » ;
  • Jaws announces « Dialog box [name] »

When a modal window is opened, the TAB key allows you to reach all elements of the modal window. Browsing is restricted to the window as long as it is opened.

To close the window, you can either use the “close button” or the ESC key.

7.2. Calendar

In the research forms, you will find the date field for the interactive calendars. These calendars are not accessible to screen readers for whom the input fields remain modifiable to enter desired dates. Please note that the calendar does not contain any information requisite to filling in the form (no inactive date or flight information).

For users navigating with a keyboard, the calendar can be used as follows: From the input field :

  • The down arrow allows users to reach the same day of the next week ;
  • The up arrow allows users to reach the same day of the previous week ;
  • The right arrow allows users to reach next day ;
  • The left arrow allows users to reach the previous day ;
  • The date is updated in the input field with each focus change in the calendar. Validate by tabulating out of the field or by typing entrée. You will be relocated to the following element (other field or validation button).
7.3. Tab System

At the end of the booking process, you will find a system of tabs allowing you to define last options to finalize your command.

A tab system is a list of signs that can be activated via links (tabs) displaying the contents. Once a tab is activated, the others are no longer visible anymore.

Once the content is visible, the TAB key allows you to reach the selected sign’s content.

  • When arriving on a tab system, you are situated on the title of the first tab (by default, it is the first tab of the system to be visible) ;
  • In case you use a screen reader :
    • NVDA announces “tab, [name], tab selected 1 out of X”, or “X” is the total tab number ;
    • Jaws announces “tab [name] 1 out of X” ;
    • VoiceOver announces “Sign 1, tab selected 1 out of X”, where “X” is the total tab number.
  • Right and left arrows allow you to navigate from one tab title to another, activating their associated content ;
  • The TAB key allows users to reach the sign displayed or one of its components ;
  • At this point, you can go through the activated tab content. The TAB key allows users to reach interactive elements of the content ;
  • To go through the list of tab titles again, tabulate back until the focus reaches the active tab’s title.