L'Avant Comptoir de La Mer

a luxury seafood tapas bar

At Le Comptoir du Relais, Chef Yves Camdeborde is serving up some of the best seafood Paris has to offer … with a three-hour wait to get in or a several month waiting list. However, just beside it is L’avant comptoir de la mer, the accessible tapas-style bar of the restaurant. Enter bar through the doorway next to the seafood counter where you can get 8 euro sandwiches to go. At the counter or two high tables, you’ll immediately be offered wine by a knowledgable server. Select two or three small seafood plates per person off the menu on the wall, or by looking at the pictures of dishes hanging from the ceiling (always go for Coquilles Saint-Jacques). Perfect for a lunch among friends or a date, L’avant comptoir de la mer is a reasonably priced luxury that no foodie should miss.

L'Avant Comptoir de La Mer

9, carrefour de l'Odéon
75006 Paris
+33 1 44 27 07 50