Museum of Illusions

Museum of Illusions
Your eyes won't believe what they're seeing! The Museum of Illusions in Manhattan is a total mind-bender—fun, colorful, and yes, made for Instagram. In the first room, you'll transform from mouse-sized to giant while amazed visitors snap photos.
The kaleidoscopes, hypnotic displays, and strobe effects that follow are seriously cool. Follow the "stand here" signs to capture perfect shots as you play with your image in mirrors and weird perspectives. This MOI (Museum of Illusions) is all about creating wild photo ops with friends and family. Spend an hour messing with your brain and laughing at everyone's reactions. Bottom line: We might all be created equal, but in here, some of us get super-sized.

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New York
Museum of Illusions
77 8th Avenue, NY
10014 New York